ADPKD Kidneys and Primary Human ADPKD Cells

ADPKD tissues and cyst lining epithelial cells are primarily obtained from ADPKD kidneys removed at the time of transplantation and therefore are derived from individuals with Stage IV-V Chronic Kidney Disease.

Maryland RTCC Study Sample (as of March 2021)
N=13 participants (N=10 pre-emptive transplants)
Age: 52.8 (7.9) years
Male: Female= 9:4

Kansas RTCC Study Sample (as of March 2021)
N=15 participants (N=6 pre-emptive transplants)
Age: 56.7.5 (7.9) years
Male: Female= 5:10

Patient information may include:

  • Demographics
  • Age at time of nephrectomy
  • Family History
  • Labs: BUN, Creatinine, eGFR (if not on dialysis), CBC, electrolytes
  • End stage Kidney Disease History
  • Renal complications (stones, hematuria, pain, infections)
  • Blood pressure and treatment
  • Extra-renal PKD Manifestations (including liver disease/aneurysm)
  • Height Adjusted Total Kidney Volume, Mayo Classification
  • In limited cases the germline PKD mutation
  • Co-morbid conditions

Control Kidneys and Primary Kidney Cells are obtained from two sources:

  • Normal regions of kidneys removed for the treatment of malignancy
    Cadaver kidneys that are deemed not suitable from transplantation due to anatomic abnormalities or for other reasons.
    Cell Characteristics
  • Primary ADPKD and NHK cells have an epithelial appearance in 2-D cultures and form monolayer when seeded on a permeable support. ADPKD cells can be stimulated to form in vitro cysts (microcysts) when seeded within Type 1 (PureCol) or Type IV (Matrigel) collagen matrix. Primary cells have limited growth potential and will lose epithelial characteristics with multiple passages.

Request Primary Cells and Biomaterials:

  • Frozen ADPKD tissues (single or multiple cysts, snap frozen in LN2)
  • Frozen NHK tissues (cortex or medulla, snap frozen in LN2)
  • ADPKD tissue blocks cut on to slides (cystic tissue, fixed in 4% formalin overnight, paraffin-embedded)
  • NHK tissue blocks cut on to slides (cortex-outer medulla tissue, fixed in 4% formalin overnight, paraffin-embedded)
  • ADPKD and NHK tissue slides (for immunohistochemistry)
  • ADPKD and NHK tissue slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin
  • ADPKD cyst fluid from individual cysts with known volume, or pool fluid from multiple cysts
  • ADPKD cells cultured from multiple surface cysts
  • ADPKD cells cultured from individual cysts
  • NHK cells cultured from the renal cortex
  • NHK cells cultured from the outer medulla to initial inner medulla
  • Primary ADPKD cells, cyst fluid, frozen and fixed tissue available from single unique cysts


Dixon, E.E., D.S. Maxim, V.L.H. Kuhns, A.C. Lane-Harris, P. Outeda, A.J. Ewald, T.J. Watnick, P.A. Welling, and O.M. Woodward. GDNF drives rapid tubule morphogenesis in a novel 3D in vitro model for ADPKD. J Cell Sci 133, 2020. PubMed: 32513820

Wallace, D. P. and G.A. Reif. Generation of primary cells from ADPKD and normal human kidneys. Methods in cell biology 153: 1-23, 2019. PubMed: 31395374
Reif, G. A. and D.P. Wallace. ADPKD cell proliferation and Cl–dependent fluid secretion. Methods in cell biology 153: 69-92, 2019. PubMed: 31395385

Sharma, M., G.A. Reif, and D.P. Wallace. In vitro cyst formation of ADPKD cells. Methods in cell biology 153: 93-111, 2019. PubMed: 31395386
Dixon, E.E and O.M. Woodward. Three-dimensional in vitro models answer the right questions in ADPKD cystogenesis. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 315: F332-F335, 2018. PubMed: 29693448

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