We offer a full range of state-of-the-art animal models including mouse, rat and zebrafish that can be used to study both dominant and recessive forms of polycystic kidney disease. In addition, we have an extensive biobank of samples from a variety of mouse models. We can generate custom mouse, rat and zebrafish models required for the study of PKD. We can advise and assist with pre-clinical studies.
We offer a range of reagents including cells and cell lines derived from PKD1 and PKD2 mutant mouse kidneys and embryos. We have cells and other biomaterials prepared from human ADPKD kidneys. We offer assistance with ex vivo embryonic kidney culture and a new mouse kidney organoid culture. Check out the full catalogue below.
We offer a full range of validated antibodies against mouse and human polycystin-1, polycystin-2 and fibrocystin. We also offer a variety of tagged and untagged cDNAs for human and mouse PKD1, PKD2 and PKHD1. Need help modifying the PKD1 cDNA? Check out our PKD1 cDNA cloning kit.
The goal of PKD-RRC Clinical and Translational Core is to support the advancement of clinical and translational research in Polycystic Kidney Disease through the development of a multi-center, longitudinal observational cohort of children and adults with PKD with linked biospecimen and biomaterials repository.