The Polycystic Kidney Disease Research Resource Consortium (PKD RRC), funded by The National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), consists of three national Research and Translation Core Centers (RTCC) and a Central Coordinating Site.

Our goal is to support a collaborative, diverse community of investigators who are working to advance discovery in the area of polycystic kidney disease.

We aim to help researchers achieve their PKD research goals by sharing, distributing and developing innovative reagents and resources. We encourage you to browse our core services and resources and to reach out with questions.

For those of you who are new to PKD research, we can provide assistance with protocols and trouble shooting.

Whether you are new to PKD or have been working in the field for some time, we hope that you will participate in our educational programming which seeks to stimulate discussion around hot topics in PKD.

Are you in need of seed funding to test a novel idea? Check out PKD RRC funding opportunities.


Central Coordinating Site

Terry Watnick, MD
Principal Investigator
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Stefan Somlo, MD
Co-Principal Investigator
Yale University School of Medicine