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OKRA Round 1 Opportunity Pool Program Announcement

The George M. O’Brien Kidney Resource Alliance (OKRA) is excited to announce the first offering of our OKRA Opportunity Pool Program. This program will support both small catalyst awards (starting at $5,000) and large pilot grants (up to a maximum of $75,000 total costs) addressing scientific and technological gaps in kidney research and promoting new collaborations. Projects must either: 1) utilize existing O’Brien Kidney National Resource Center resources or 2) develop and add a novel tool or resource to the existing array of OKRA resources. All are welcome to apply and priorities are detailed in the link provided below. Letters of intent are due Monday, February 19th, 2024.


For full details on this funding opportunity and contact information for any questions, please visit this link.

2023 Symposium Recordings – Now available on the PKD RRC website!

2023 Symposium Recordings – Now available on the PKD RRC website!

2023 Symposium Trainee Abstract Registration Is Now Closed!

Trainee Abstract Registration ends September 8, 2023

PKD RRC Monthly Scientific Roundtable Speaker for January 8th, 2024, will be Kurt Zimmerman, Ph.D., The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology. Talk Title:  “Using single cell transcriptomics to study immune cell function in polycystic kidney disease”

Talk Title:  “Using single cell transcriptomics to study immune cell function in polycystic kidney disease”

Designing Interventions that Address Structural Racism to Reduce Kidney Health Disparities hosted by the NIDDK Feb 24-25, 2022

Event Description

February 24-25, 2022, Virtual Meeting

Substantial racial and ethnic disparities exist in health outcomes among patients with kidney disease, and structural racism is widely recognized to be a fundamental determinant. Structural racism is defined as macrolevel systems, social forces, institutions, ideologies, and processes that interact with one another to generate and perpetuate inequities among racial and ethnic minority populations. For marginalized racial and ethnic groups, this leads to greater exposure to adverse social determinants and risks (e.g., residential segregation, housing insecurity, food insecurity, inadequate health care, financial resource deprivation) that negatively affect individuals’ risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its progression and contributes to inequitable care and outcomes across the spectrum of CKD. Interventions that dismantle or address the effects of structural racism are essential to achieve health equity for patients with kidney disease.

Registration Deadline

February 22, 2022


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Symposium Trainee Abstract Deadline Extended

The PKD RRC has extended the trainee abstract submission to Friday, October 8th. Please submit your abstract to ASAP!!!!


Human Kidneys Medicine Microscope

Funding Opportunity for PKD Research

Please visit PKD-RRC Pilot and Feasibility Program for more information.

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Save the Date! 27-28 October 2021 Virtual PKD RRC Symposium

Agenda coming soon!