Pkd2D509V Missense mutation

Description:  CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing was used to create a new mouse model harboring the human pathogenic variant D511V (D509V in the mouse Pkd2). The codon GAT (D, Asp) was changed to GTT (V, Val) at amino acid position 509.


Pkd2exon15Halo: PKD2 with endogenous Halo tag introduced at the PC2 C-terminus

Description: A Halo Tag was inserted in place of the STOP codon at the C terminus of Pkd2 within exon 15. The resulting allele produces a PC2:Halo fusion protein from the endogenous locus. The homozygous mice are viable and fertile. These mice can be used for in vivo labeling of PC2.

Pkd2 Heterozygous: Pkd2 knock-out allele

Description: This knock-out mouse model has a deletion of PKD2 exons 11 through 13. Heterozygous mice are phenotypically normal. Homozygous mice are embryonically lethal at mid-gestation.

Pkd2 Flox: Pkd2 conditional allele

Description: This conditional PKD2 floxed mouse model harbors LoxP sites flanking exons 11 through 13. Homozygous mice are phenotypically normal. When bred with a Cre recombinase mouse line, offspring lack expression of PKD2 in the Cre targeted tissue.